Yogyakarta: Albert Yonathan Setyawan

Albert Yonathan Setyawan, Mandala Study #2, 2012, ceramic, marble sand, 756 pieces, overall 118 1⁄8 × 118 1⁄8 × 2 1⁄8″.

“For his solo exhibition “Capturing Silence,” Albert Yonathan Setyawan married spirituality and material imagination, using clay to duplicate the intricate patterns and concentric diagrams of sacred geometries. In Mandala Study #2, 2012, the artist constructed a mandala out of miniature ceramic stupas, covering these forms with white marble sand so that a milky tone emerged within the dimly lit room. Walking around this arrangement, one could discern in it the spiral patterns found in the head of a sunflower, which follow the Fibonacci sequence.”

Artwork photo provided by Mizuma Gallery.

Read the full review on Artforum here.

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