View of “Korakrit Arunanondchai: nostalgia for unity,” 2024, Bangkok Kunsthalle, Bangkok. Photo: Bangkok Kunsthalle.
“… The space’s ground is covered in a tar-like mixture of soil and ash, crushed from the building’s burnt pieces, rendering it a cold and fissured desert—a sensation heightened by the old gray concrete walls. A hazy mist infiltrated the belly of this beast, doused it in solar-tone orange light that temporally gestures toward dusk and dawn. Adding a final layer to this palimpsestic space, Arunanondchai installed a visceral soundscape of spatial-mic vibration and sub-bass that resembles heartbeats. These elements jointly immerse audiences into a cathartic state, melting their ego into the space’s rêve au soleil….”
Read the full article at Artforum