Manila: Fever Dream

Detail of CONSTANTINO ZICARELLI’s Dust of men (vertigo records sunset), 2023, sticker (originally graphite on paper). Courtesy the UP Vargas Museum, Metro Manila.

“Fever​s​ ​are​​ our bod​ies’ biological defense against illness. ​They also serve as a metaphor for ​the ​calenture ​of​​ overwrought passion, ​the heat of the city, or the need to self-regulate and attune to hidden traumas. In “Fever Dream,” viewers experienced artworks that expressed a myriad of feverish states and ​which ​sought to generate reflection on how we might learn to acknowledge and tend to our mental febrility.

​​Passion is the diesel to our existence, propelling us forward to explore our milieu, initiate ideas, and realize relationships. ​But what happens when the state of the world has saturated our passion, or twisted it into malefic forms? On a faux-wall hung Costantino Zicarelli’s three graphite-on-paper drawings from his Dust of men series(2023), encompassing burning desires such as the phrase ​“​Show No Mercy​”​ in flaming font and the glimpse of sharpened teeth in a half-cracked smile. ​Yet ​​​these passionate symbols are nullified by a forlorn figure​ on a larger sticker, staring into a spiraling Kubrick-style void. A signifier for life’s beginning and end, the void seems to subdue the figure’s passion, reminding him that all life shall return to dust​​. ​​”

Read the full article at Art Asia Pacific.

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