Saigon: Arlette Quỳnh-Anh Trần

View of “Arlette Quỳnh-Anh Trần: iii.x_Unrealized Utopia,” 2024. Steel form: Analysis of an Image, 2024. Hanging: TUU–Das Kino, 2023.

Utopia, as concrete as it is elusive, is the spectral pillar upholding so many Western schools of thought, from Christian belief in a messianic deliverance to the Marxist ideal of a classless society. Yet Arlette Arlette Quỳnh-Anh Trần chose the radical utopia of the Bauhaus, where form follows function, as one of the seedlings for her debut solo show, “iii.x_Unrealized Utopia.” Drawing from symbols reminiscent of various utopian visions—spiritual, social, or architectural—and using AI-engineered images, digital collage, and video installation, she explored how the Western-rooted concept is reimagined when transplanted to foreign soil.

Read the full article at Artforum.

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