Tada Hengsapkul

Working across a range of diverse media, Tada Hengsapkul investigates the tensions between control and dissent, establishing his practice as a mode of radical resistance in itself. First reaching critical acclaim for his photographic and video works, Hengsapkul’s oeuvre has long been underscored by extensive political research. Engaging with official archives, informal discourse, and popular media, […]

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Vacharanont Sinvaravatn

Investigating the spaces we exist in and how they become portrayed and embodied, Vacharanont Sinvaravatn (b.1997, Suphan Buri, Thailand
) engages with tensions of representation, probing the aesthetic vestiges of real and imagined local histories. Born into a time of intense political upheaval in Thailand, including the 1997 Tom Yam Goong crisis in his birth year, and

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