Translation has traditionally been seen as a medium through which intercommunal linkages are made possible. Particularly in the art, where there is a constant desire for distribution and exchange of knowledge between different communities as well as forms (visual to textual, audio, sensorial, and vice versa), translation plays a pivotal role in configuring spaces for speculating, interpreting, and even fictionalizing. The translator takes on the task of shifting artistic horizons, through their psychosomatic act of ‘carrying’ and ‘transforming’ artistic content.
This brings us back to Vietnam and our state of translation, art translation in particular. In a geopolitical rhizome that boasts artistic, linguistic, and ideological diversity, how do we fathom the role of translation in our process of knowledge exchange and cultural (re)production? What are some concepts in contemporary art that we are grappling with as translators? What is our experience as ‘translators’ during ‘translation’? How do we address the challenges while embracing the joy of laboring as a translator in arts, culture, and literature? This informal gathering is an invitation to come together as colleagues and ponder upon these questions, as contemporary art in Vietnam is slowly but surely attracting global attention.
Questions and Activities for Discussion:
1. Round of Introduction (20mins)
2. Hung’s short presentation on the process of translating Thai Tuan for Southeast of Now Journal (30mins)
3. Terminology translation exercise (30mins)
4. Translation in pair (30mins)
5. Collective translation (30mins)
Link to the workshop event on Á Space‘s website can be found here.