Nguyễn Quốc Dũng uses oil paint to present images of precarious social issues associated with consumerism, mass culture, loss of privacy as a consequence of technology, and so on. He is especially interested in engaging with boundaries that are completely erased, or replaced through the passage of time, from the past to present. His works do not directly replicate real life; rather, they carry complex metaphors imbued in familiar images from life, in all its ingenuinitiy and depth, thereby reducing the distance typically found between an artwork and real life. His creations thus form a way to observe human life in contemporary society, through an interest in immigrants, transgenders, and other marginalized groups living in an urbanized environments.
(Profile picture provided by Hatch Art Project; bio provided by Nguyễn Quốc Dũng.)
Nguyen Quoc Dung, Critic’s Picks, Artforum.