Lives Adrift is a joint screening collaboration that unfurled in Phnom Penh, between A Sông Collective (Vietnam) and Anti-Archive (Phnom Penh), to explore lives in fluctuation and the intertwining relationship of the two countries. Discussion is moderated by Hung M. Duong and Thara Yorke. Venue is supported by Raintree Cambodia.
“Born out of two Latin roots, ad – forward and luere – to wash, alluvium consists of layers of silt, gravel, and clay that aimlessly float along water currents. As they wash up against shore, they eventually form fertile riverbeds. Despite being a crucial element in sustaining a healthy ecosystem and generating concrete livelihood, alluvium remains elusive, unpredictable, detached from the deltas that it supposedly nourishes. This screening program, jointly curated by Anti Archive and A Sông, a Vietnam-based art collective, attempts to observe and examine our lives as alluvium: how uncertain our futures look, how unreliable our attachments to places and people feel, how precarious our existence is, and how, despite it all, we have to remain afloat with one eye forward. Through the lens-based approaches of filmmakers from Vietnam and Cambodia, we invite you to bob along the currents with us – toward a vast unknown.“
List of films:
1. CALIFORNIA DREAMING – Sreylin Meas (16’, narrative, first film)
2. SCENT – Lê Bảo (23’, fiction)
3. A MILLION YEARS – Danech San (21’, narrative, first film)
4a. LỤA – Mai Huyền Chi (16’, fiction)
4b. DOWN THE STREAM – Mai Huyền Chi (4’, docu)
5. HOW GREEN THE CALABASH GARDEN WAS – Trương Minh Quý (15’, docu)
6. BODING – Kanitha Tith (10’, Short Documentary/Art Video)
7. THE HOUSE THAT STAYS – Lê Ngọc Duy (15’, experimental docu)